So, I did one of my roommate and his dog instead....

Hula Cuties on JibJab
It's a splendid thing that Zane is so good natured (and does everything Tarty tells him to do...)
Seriously, Joe and I took Zane to the zoo and out to eat yesterday so that his momma could have a break. She is 6 months preggers with Zane's little brother who Zane has named "Alec Alec", at least for this week.
Check out Zane on one of the last shows with Z Frank. It's hillarious!
This tiny sea lion was sunbathing very close to Joe and I yesterday. If someone else hadn't pointed him out we probably wouldn't have even noticed him.
We had the feeling that this little guy was sick from ingesting toxic algae. California researchers say a virulent outbreak of domoic acid is killing hundreds of marine animals and birds off the Pacific coast. Domoic acid is produced by microscopic algae that have flourished in recent years because of overfishing, destruction of wetlands, and pollution.
The acid accumulates in shellfish and fish and is then passed on to the birds and animals that eat them.
There wasn't much we could do for this baby. The marine rescues are inundated with calls and usually wait 24 hours before rescuing an animal. Also, high tide was coming quickly and he was going to be back out to sea within an hour. I felt very frustrated and sad because there was nothing I could do. We can only hope that this little one is still ok.
Joe and I went up the coast a bit on Friday to Leo Carillo State Beach. It was a gorgeous day but extremely windy. That made for some huge waves and some awesome photo opportunities.
We also came upon a film crew doing a shoot. When you live in the Los Angeles area you get used to seeing movie and commercial film shoots just about everywhere. This "informercial" was being filmed in a very secluded cove. It must have been tough getting that bed down there! There are only two ways to get to this spot. You have to either go down steep stairs or wade around a huge rock cliff through the water.
"Formerly known as Bamburi Nature Trail until 1999, Haller Park is a unique ecological restored quarry situated on the North Coast of Mombasa along the Mombasa Malindi road... Open to the public for the last 21 years, the Nature Park Sanctuary is home to a variety of plant and animal species ...
"Visitors have the unique opportunity of close up contact with the variety of animal species, through our educational guided tours tailored to their requirement... The attractions to be found in this Coastal Sanctuary include a Crocodile Farm, Reptile Park with a rich variety of snake species, beautiful serene Palm Garden and Game Sanctuary....
Haller Park is also the home of that famous couple, Owen and Mzee.There are three very popular childrens' books about these two unlikely friends and they are all wonderful.
If you don't know the story of Owen and Mzee here's a brief overview:
In December 2004, a frightened young hippo, separated from his family by a devastating tsunami, bonded with an Aldabra tortoise named Mzee. The 130 year-old tortoise accepted Owen as his own, and an inseparable bond was forged
This gigantic wave was coming right at me!!!
I snapped the picture just before it was going to swallow me up! And if that happened, I would be washed out to sea and never be seen again!
Well, ok, it wasn't that big and I was in no danger, but it sure looks powerful, doesn't it? These were about the biggest waves I've seen on Point Dume.
Oh yeah--and I made this slideshow yesterday. Check it out!