Here's how my Saturday went:
Joe and I started watching Return of the Jedi Friday night. I had forgotten how dorky that movie is! I guess it was really cool when it first came out, or at least it seemed to be...
Anyway, of course, I fell asleep 20 minutes into the film. Joe watched it for a while and then watched the rest on Saturday morning.
I woke up really depressed this morning. It's a great thing that Joe was here. He had suggested that we do a small hike before I went to work this afternoon. I'm so glad he did. We wanted to do a hike near my house. We usually hike the Santa Monica Mountains in Malibu and the surrounding area. (He and a few friends just did the last leg of the entire Backbone--they did it in sections)
We ended up in small park in Hermon California and started out from a trail near the parking lot. It was quite a nice little hike! We found a reservoir on the top of the trail that offered a great view of the Arroyo Seco and Los Angeles looking west. We walked about 1/2 mile further and ended up on top of a hill opposite the Southwest Indian Museum in Highland Park.
Of course, I forgot my camera..Uggg... but here's a picture that I took when we hiked the Upper Solstice Canyon in the Santa Monica Mountain Backbone Trail last year. I want to go back to the little park in Hermon soon, with my camera!
Break time
Originally uploaded by Twitchietai.
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