Saturday, June 2, 2007

First tomato of the season!

First tomato
My first tomato was very yummy. I got this plant at the Santa Monica Farmers' Market about a month ago and was amazed at how well it grew. It was very lush and started budding almost immediately. There are over 20 green tomatoes on it right now, even though the plant is only about 2 feet tall. I'm going to save the seeds from the next tomato that turns red and hopefully I can propagate them next spring.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful plant! And a gorgeous tomato. I had a "volunteer" tomato plant growing in the driveway but Ottis ate the tomatoes as they started to grow, not even waiting until they got sweet!

Tarty said...

Hehehe Iggy ate most of the avocados right off our tree last year.
Silly dogs!