Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Why my butt?

Why is it that when you go on a diet, the first place you lose inches is the place in which you least need to lose inches?

I've been on the South Beach Diet for about a week and I've lost 5 lbs--all in my rear end. If there is any part of my body that does not need a reduction it is in my rear end. I guess I should count my blessings. I will never have a huge ass. Yet, I think I will be much happier when it finally shows in my waist.


Anonymous said...

Usually women complain that they lose weight in their boobs first! :) Congratulations on losing your first five pounds, even if it came from the wrong place. :)

Tarty said...

Thanks for that Kerry! I went off my diet today because we had a potluck at work and there were too many scrumptious home-made foods on display. It's back to the diet tomorrow though!

Anonymous said...

Everybody's allowed a day now and then to cheat! :) The trick is good eating habits overall, and then those cheat days don't matter as much.

Tarty said...

True true! And as soon as I get my bike on the road--needs a brake adjustment and some oil--I'll be getting more exercise. Got to boost that metabolism, yanno?

Anonymous said...

OOooh, yeah biking's fun!